Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/469

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7 in. × 2 ft. 1 in. In a lofty, handsomely furnished apartment, with a piece of rich tapestry suspended from the ceiling and draped to one side, a group of four figures, in front of an arched window; a sick lady seated in a chair, her weeping daughter kneeling at her feet and holding one of her hands, a female attendant offering refreshment with a spoon, and a physician in purple silk robe, standing in foreground examining a urinal. Purchased for 30,000 florins by the Elector Palatine, who presented it to Prince Eugène; after his death passed to House of Savoy and placed in Turin Gallery, whence transferred by French to the Louvre; on restoration of pictures in 1815 the French government redeemed it by payment of 100,000 fr. Engraved by Fosseyeux; Claessens; Châtaigner.—Musée français; Filhol, vi. Pl. 367; Smith, i. 32; Ch. Blanc, École hollandaise.

DROST, GERAERT, born about 1638, died about 1690. Dutch school; pupil of Rembrandt, and painted in his manner, although somewhat exaggeratedly. Studied also in Rome. Works: Decollation of John Baptist, Amsterdam Museum; Noli me Tangere, Cassel Gallery; Man in Brown Coat, Old Man instructing Boy (?), Argus and Mercury (?), Dresden Gallery; Argus and Mercury, Vienna Museum.—Kramm, ii. 372; Vosmaer, Rembrandt, (1868), 163.

DROUAIS, FRANÇOIS HUBERT, born in Paris, Dec. 14, 1727, died there, Oct. 21, 1775. French school; portrait painter, son and pupil of Hubert D.; continued his studies under Nonnotte, Carle van Loo, Natoire and Boucher, was received into the Academy in 1758, and later became court painter. He painted the royal family and many of the famous men and women of his time. Works: Portraits of Comte d'Artois, afterwards Charles X., and of Marie-Adélaide Clotilde, afterwards Queen of Sardinia (1763), Louvre; portraits of Louis de Bourbon, Louis XVIII., Louis XV., Mme. Dubarry, Comte d'Artois, Mme. Clotilde, and the sculptor Edmé Bouchardon, Versailles Museum; portrait of Couston, École des Beaux Arts; portrait of Prince Dimitri Galitzin (1762, engraved by J. Tardieu); portrait of Gen. Duhamel (engraved by Moitte); portrait of Beaudieu de Laval, dancing teacher of the royal family; Mme. de Pompadour, Orleans Museum.—Ch. Blanc, École française; Bellier de la Chavignerie, i. 448; Gaz. des B. Arts (1881); Villot, Cat. Louvre.

DROUAIS, HUBERT, born at La Roque (Eure), May 5, 1699, died in Paris, Feb. 9, 1767. French school; portrait painter; first instructed by an obscure artist in Rouen, then by De Troy in Paris, and after the latter's death was much employed by Jean B. van Loo, Alexis Simon La Belle, Oudry, and Nattier. He painted the Marquise de Pompadour several times, and benefited by her patronage. Works: Portrait of the painter Christophe, École des Beaux Arts; portrait of the sculptor Lorrain, Versailles.—Jal, 508; Lejeune, ii. 286.

DROUAIS, GERMAIN JEAN, born in Paris, Nov. 25, 1763, died in Rome, Feb. 13, 1788. French school; history painter, son and pupil of François Hubert D., then studied with Brenet, and in the school of David, where in 1784 he obtained the first prize and aroused enthusiasm by his Christ and the Canaanite Woman. Went to Rome with David and studied the antique and Raphael, but died suddenly after a few years. Works: Christ and the Canaanite Woman, Marius in Prison at Minturnæ, Louvre; Wounded Gladiator, Rouen Museum; Philoctetus in the Island of Lemnos, M. Goupil, Paris; Departure of Tiberius Gracchus to demand the Execution of the Agrarian Law; portrait of Buffon, Narischkine sale (1883), 14,300 fr.; portrait of the Countess de Buffon, do., 15,600 fr.—Ch. Blanc, École fran-