Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/475

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and has fallen into the arms of a friend dressed as the Duc de Guise, whilst two others, a Doge of Venice and a Black Domino, are offering consolation and aid. At the right, the Iroquois Brave, who has slain Pierrot, hurries with Harlequin toward the carriages in the background. Salon, 1857. Replica, with changes in composition and costumes, Duc d'Aumale, Chantilly.—Art Treas. of Amer., i. 88.

DUEZ, ERNEST ANGE, born in Paris, March 8, 1843. Genre painter, pupil of Carolus Duran. Medals: 3d class, 1874; 1st class, 1879; L. of Honour, 1880. Works: Honeymoon (1873); Splendour and Misery of Courtesans (1874); Whitsuntide Roses (1876); St. Cuthbert (1879), Luxembourg Museum; Evening (1881); Around the Lamp (1882); Miracle of the Roses (1884).

DUFRESNOY, CHARLES ALPHONSE, born in Paris in 1611, died at Villiers-le-Bel, Jan. 16, 1668. French school; history painter, pupil of Perrier and Vouet. Went to Rome in 1633 and copied the finest paintings of the Farnese Gallery. His Latin didactic poem, De Arte Graphicâ, translated into several languages, brought him more into repute than his pictures. Went to Venice in 1653, and returned to Paris in 1656 to paint many altarpieces, a Salon in the Château du Raincy, and 4 landscapes on the ceiling of the Hôtel d'Hervart. Works: St. Margaret, The Naiads, Louvre; Armida deserted by Rinaldo; Drunkenness of Noah, Caen Museum; Nymph seated near a River, Épinal Museum; Portrait of Himself, Copenhagen Gallery; Death of Socrates, Florence Museum; Christ.

DUGHET (Duchet, Duche), GASPARD, born in Rome in 1613, died there, May 25, 1675. French school; generally called Gaspard Poussin, or le Guaspre. Landscape painter, pupil and follower of his cousin and brother-in-law, Nicolas Poussin, whose name he adopted. Later he became more individual in style. He worked very rapidly, sometimes painting a large picture in a single day. Works: Subjects from Life of Prophet Elias (frescos in S. Martino á Monte, Rome); 6 Landscapes, Louvre; 2 others claimed for him by Ch. Blanc, but attributed to Van Bloemen by the authorities of the Louvre; Mercury, St. Mary in Egypt, Forest, Flight into Egypt, Palazzo Doria, Rome; Landscape with Fishermen, Uffizi, Florence; several landscapes, Palazzo Pitti, Florence; Cascades of Tivoli, Turin Gallery; View of Lake, Dresden Gallery; View of Tivoli, Mountain Landscape, two others, Old Pinakothek, Munich; Tomb of Cecilia Metella, Storm, Bathers, Wood Landscape, Vienna Museum; 4 Landscapes, Cassel Gallery; Sacrifice of Abraham, Dido and Æneas, National Gallery, London; 5 landscapes in Madrid Museum; 11 do. in Montpellier Museum; two in Douai; one in Bordeaux Museum. In the Palazzo Borghese, Rome, are walls entirely painted by Dughet, and in the Palazzo Colonna, several friezes by him.—Ch. Blanc, École française; Burckhardt, I celebri freschi di Gasp. Possino; Larousse; Villot, Cat. Louvre.

DUJARDIN. See Jardin.

DUMARESQ. See Armand-Dumaresq.

DUMAS, MICHEL, born in Lyons, June 18, 1812. History painter, pupil of Ingres; a skilful and intelligent painter, but lacking originality. Medals: 3d class, 1857 and 1861; 1st class, 1863. Works: Parting of St. Peter and St. Paul (1853), Luxembourg Museum; Devotion of Abbé Bouloy, Holy Women at Tomb, Mater Dolorosa (1857); Disciples at Emmaus (1859), Church of St. Louis d'Antin; Our Saviour (1861); Glorification of St. Denis (1866), Notre Dame of