Page:Cyclopedia of painters and paintings - Volume I.djvu/88

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Annunciation, by Fra Bartolommeo, Louvre.

with hands clasped; at left, Archangel Gabriel, borne on a cloud; above, the Holy Spirit descending, surrounded by a choir of angels.—Landon, Musée, v. Pl. 53; Filhol, xi. Pl. 32.

By Murillo, Hospital of La Caridad, Seville; canvas, H. 5 ft. 6 in. × 4 ft. 2 in. The Virgin, on left, kneeling beside a desk, in front of which is a basket containing linen and scissors; on right, the angel, in red robes, holding lilies in left hand, kneels on right knee, pointing to Dove; above, cherubs and heads. Painted for Hospital about 1674. Repetition in Amsterdam Museum, formerly attributed to Rubens.—Curtis, 144.

By Murillo, Madrid Museum; canvas, H. 4 ft. 1 in. × 3 ft. 4 in. The Virgin kneeling at right, her left arm resting on desk, on which is a book and vase of lilies, and in front of which is a basket of linen; at left, the angel, kneeling on right knee, pointing with left hand to the Dove; above, cherubs and heads. Bought by Philip V. in Seville in 1729; Isabel Farnese Collection. Lithographed by M. Lavigne; F. Decraene. Repetition of smaller dimensions in Hermitage, St. Petersburg; lithographed by Huot.—Curtis, 145; Madrazo, 474.

By Murillo, Madrid Museum; canvas, H. 6 ft. × 7 ft. 4 in. The Virgin kneeling at right beside a desk; angel at left kneeling on left knee, pointing to Dove with right hand and holding lilies in left; between them a basket of linen and a chair; on each side, a column; above, cherubs and heads. Collection of Charles III.; formerly in Academy of S. Fernando. Lithographed by A. Guglielmi.—Curtis, 145; Madrazo, 468.

By Murillo, Seville Museum; canvas, arched, H. 10 ft. 6 in. × 7 ft. 2 in. The Virgin, on left, kneeling before a desk, looking up at angel who kneels on clouds, holding lilies in left hand and pointing with right to the Dove; above, cherubs and heads; centre foreground, a basket of linen. Painted about 1676 for the Capuchin Church, Seville; placed in Museum in 1840. Repetition: Philip W. S. Miles, King's Weston, Gloucestershire, England.—Curtis, 144.

By Murillo, Sir Richard Wallace, Bart., London; canvas, H. 5 ft. 10 in. × 4 ft. 3 in. The Virgin kneeling on left, her left arm on a desk; on right, the angel, kneeling on clouds, holding lilies in left hand and pointing with right to Dove; above, five cherubs. Sale of M. Rayneval, formerly French Ambassador to Madrid, in 1838 for