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with them, I am induced to lay them before the Public in this manner.

I know the literary and ſpeculative part of Mankind are apt to conſider theſe kind of country diverſions in a contemptible light; and, perhaps, they may be inclined to deſpiſe any perſon who ſhall devote his time to the writing, or even the reading, of a ſingle page, on a ſubject which they may think only deſerving the attention of Grooms, Country 'Squires, and Dog-boys. But this opinion is by no means founded on reaſon.

A healthy frame of body is to the full as neceſſary for our happineſs as a ſound diſpoſition of mind. The Roman Satiriſt joins them together in his prayer, and, indeed, the latter is never perfectly attainable without the former. Now to gain this in a compleat manner, more exerciſe is certainlyrequiſite