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—Why destroy a very beautiful site and why cover it dirt, would it not be enough to just leave it until our return? —asked Night Eagle.

—There will be more than twenty-two bundles of years until we return. In this period not only the time tonal will change, but also the human beings tonal.

The energy in these stones, who have been active witnesses of the human being metamorphosis into impeccable warriors, given that the stones are not only part of material structures, but they are power energy fields; they make DAANY BEÉDXE a powerful energy charge, which has allowed thousands of people to achieve the feat of transcending the consciousness of being and to obtain total freedom.

Each stone that you see here, is not a simple stone, in the nagual field, we could say that they have their own life. This energy is very dangerous for human beings, for that reason, we will have to destroy the structures, so that they do not reuse them after we are gone and we must cover them, so that earth absorbs its energy and releases the stones of the energy charges they have acquired over time.

When the first rays of light of a new day arrive, announcing the return of the Feathered Serpent, DAANY BEÉDXE will be unearthed and a new cycle will start again.

There was a great silence until Night Eagle asked:

—How can we destroy and cover with dirt in one day the four hills of DANNY BEEDXE, if we are only four hundred warriors?

The teacher looked deeply at Night Eagle and slowly replied: