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Gradually sunlight again returned. The Sun was released from the dark cloud that had defeated it. The black clouds were diluted and began to clear DAANY BEÉDXE.

Night Eagle heard in himself, the voice of his Teacher, who told him to prepare to see the departure of the four hundred southern warriors.

The Lord of fire darts began to decline; the Jaguar Sacred Mountain was fully covered with Earth. There was no trace of the splendid buildings and the beautiful squares. There were only small mounds where the exquisite constructions stood.

Over what was the north plaza, was a hollow and the four hundred southern warriors were still there, moving now as light spheres; Night Eagle and the Venerable Teacher were on a dirt mound, on the north side of the square. Below the bright spheres began to circle from right to left. One by one, the spheres went to the central cluster of dirt, which was in the middle of what had been the square and with an explosion, which lit up the area, lefty towards the sky, lost in the infinite blue of the evening.

Night Eagle felt in every burst and sphere departure, a pain in the stomach, as a tear of himself, he understood that every luminous sphere departure was a piece of him, forever detaching from this world.

With anguish the warrior felt the departure of his peers; something in him said that it was the last time he was with them. However, being next to his Teacher, gave him assurance and sobriety.

When the last of the southern warriors left and its luminous trail was lost in the immense blue sky of that afternoon, Night Eagle turned to see his Teacher and realized that the two were glowing spheres.