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"Immaculate Hunter, you have in your heart your extraordinary prey".

On their way back to the Valley, Smoky mirror and Night Eagle felt that the instruction period at the home of young people had come to an end.

Dawn deer had spoken with his parents his intention of marrying Small dove. So his parents made a party at their house and invited Smoky mirror, priests and instructors of the House of young people, as well as the closest relatives. After eating turkey mole, Dawn deer godfather addressed the teachers and instructors:

—"Here you are respectable gentlemen and venerable teachers of our boy, our precious stone, and our quetzal feather. Please, we beg of you, do not be offended but our son wished to separate from your wise company; because he already wants to have a women, wishes to form a family —then the uncle took an axe and said— here's this axe, which is a sign that the apprentice wants to remove himself from your respectable institution, according to tradition of our noble and wise grandparents, please take it in exchange for our son."

Then Smoky mirror took the axe and told the boy relatives:

—"We are pleased to take this axe because your son already sprouted, already flourished his body and tempered his spirit, because the boy already turned to people, already met the work, he learned to obey and respect. Knows how to speak and make offerings to the "He for whom one lives" and to all their devotions, knows our customs, knows our traditions, read black and red ink, knows how to count days. Understand and know how and why he shall serve our community".

After Dawn deer godfather went to talk to Small dove parents, accompanied by one of the men part of the Council of elders and which belonged to the neighborhood. Between