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Night Eagle felt that internally everything was becoming balanced. Fire snake words had produced an inner well-being effect. The spirit of Night Eagle and the institution were tuning in a single note, which reverberated all over his body and made him vibrate as a marine snail.

Fire snake continued telling the students:

—Beloved children, you are the community fruit about to flourish. As the cactus blooms its fruit, you have flourished in the House of young people and are now the hope of the old grandparents, so their spirit remains in this beloved land. Now you have a greater responsibility, because upon taking the decision to come here. It means that you are able to give the best of yourselves; and ready for all sacrifices and the most rigorous discipline; it means in one word, that you are prepared to die if necessary, to support the decision taken to learn the Toltecáyotl, that is the wisdom bequeathed by our noble ancestors; because you young people, are the tuna of the Cactus that hopes to flourish. From this noble institution that today opens its doors, tomorrow will come out those who shall serve the people. Not just the ancient "the black and red ink" knowledge, not only mathematics and celestial mechanics are sufficient to serve the people, perhaps the most important thing is the precious stone that each of you should polish internally. Virtue transcends knowledge; because science without wisdom leads to destruction... to death. Hence your responsibility is dual and absolute. You have to go deep into the wisdom of the old grandparents and at the same time let you heart flourish. When these two things are fused inside of you, only then you can aspire to be "the heart of the people", the expected flourished fruit.

From that day on the life of Night Eagle gained greater intensity, his wellbeing was growing, the institution was what Night Eagle spirit needed, and the walls of the institution recognized him as part of them.