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itself. This force is known as the omnipresent Lord. He is the only true God.

However, the old grandparents had left in religion, a number of "minor divinities", that help explain, the multiple phases and forms, in which the same creative principle is depicted, through forces of nature and the universe, that are involved in community life; but because of its complexity degree for the human mind, the old and wise grandparents had left them as "divinities". Night lightning explained the "minor gods" to Night Eagle.

The first is the divine duality, from where the feminine and masculine develops, opposite and complementary duality that the universe is made of; the Milky Way and the Ursa Major, the Lady of our flesh and Lord of our flesh, the Lady of skirt of stars and the Lord of earth, the Lady of the jade skirt and the Lord of the water, the Lady of the precious flower and the Lord of the flowers, The Lady of death and the Lord of death.

There were some divinities that did not have a complementary pair as they were specific invocations, such as the filth consuming divinity, referring to earthly weaknesses; The Lord of fire, creator of the luminous energy, in its spiritual sense; the precious twin Lord, symbolizing transformation, spiritual evolution, such as the Axolotl transformation into a frog; The Lord of the red smoky mirror and the Lord of the black smoky mirror that symbolize the Sun on its journey through the underworld, the matter, the Sun—Earth that make up a complementary pair, which is in cosmic balance with another duality that is its opposite complementary; the Lord of the emaciated, which means the ability men has through spiritual sacrifice, of discarding the matter which condemns him to degradation and death; and the Lord of the wind or divine breath of consciousness, that it is transmitted to matter or luminous energy, and that is also represented as the "Feathered Serpent".