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Throughout many bundles of years, the old grandparents took mathematics from observation to practice. Sciences such as engineering, architecture, astronomy and agriculture, received a strong boost thanks to the development of this knowledge.

The ancestors taught us to leave knowledge in friezes, that through mathematics, leave their decorative and aesthetic as their only role, to move to the field of hidden knowledge, the black and red ink.

Another way to transmit knowledge through mathematics is embroidery. For this reason, our women over more than a hundred bundles of years have become mathematics experts, without having to use only reason.

Because you must know, that reason is not the only means we have to acquire knowledge; moreover, there are other far more effective, which for now cannot be revealed to you. Thus, animals and plants, acquire knowledge, not like us, but they have knowledge. For example, insects have no "intelligence"... but aren't stupid. On the other hand you can see so many human beings, with the ability to think, that live worse than animals. A human being can, with a lot of work, open his perception capacity and then perceive the world in many different ways. Like a tree, a bird, or perhaps, a blast of air. Young student, as you see; life and the world, are an unfathomable mystery."

One night, when all students were asleep, the snails of the suburbs and temples began to sound. The entire people awoke with the news that the high priest of the main temple had died. The entire community began funerary ceremonies. The Supreme Council unanimously agreed to request the religious authorities of Mictlán, "The city of the dead", a sacred place located one day away to the east, for their permission to bury the deceased in that millenary holy compound.