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unknown, through the cross called of the Feathered Serpent. That places men on Earth, in the center of his potential and his shortcomings; and one step from eternity.

However —Night lightning commented. Mictlán is also a place of initiation. Here you learn to die symbolically from profane life. There is a square surrounded by four buildings, below the one located towards the east, where light is born, the old grandparents built a power center, cross shaped, symbol of the four directions of life and the universe. At this “funerary chamber” the warrior must fast for ten days at each side. From this voluntary "burial" the warrior come out purified. During this test the warrior must renounce to all life, the warrior who endures it, come out “emaciated” and is reborn to spiritual life."

The funerary ceremonies lasted nine days. Night lightning and his students participated in each of them. At the end of the last day, Night lightning told his students:

—Everything you have seen is only symbols of something that cannot be understood. One of the great sins of man against the immensity of the sacred and divine is their desire to humanly and in detail explain the inexplicable and unintelligible... the immeasurable!

The old grandparents, with all their millenary wisdom, did not even reach the gates of knowledge, of the "he for whom one lives, the invisible and impalpable"; they bequeathed us common men, mortals; only these rites and some stories, to accept death with more resignation.

The old grandparents said that life, has as main objective to reach death purified, which is nothing else than luminous life consciousness. Live to die, sacrifice for eternal life. Thus life becomes a challenge and at the same time a wonderful opportunity, a path that leads us to the doors of immortality. However not