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Though late, as a waiter,
I ran up and down,
With bottles glasses, claret,
rum and brandy—O!
But now an Officer I'm grown,
I'll have servants of my own,
And be among the Ladies
quite the Dandy—O.

My cravat now sticks out
like to a pigeon's breast.
My hat so smart my sword
so long, so handy—O:
like a sheep's tail at each ear,
my hair's completely drest,
and my military cue
you see's the Dandy—O.

As my legs are not quite so straight,
I'll disguise them in boots,
Then who can tell that I am
so very bandy—O.
And thus this failing is hid,
in many raw recruits
so their legs they all appear
to be the Dandy—O.