Page:Dave Porter and his Classmates.djvu/243

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Dave was much downcast over the way Roger acted, the more so because he could not understand it. He had half a mind to go after the senators son and demand an explanation, but after thinking the matter over concluded that it would do no good.

"He'll only get more angry," he reasoned. "Perhaps it will be better to speak to Phil about it."

But, much to his surprise, when he saw the shipowner's son, Phil had also had a "scene" with Roger, and the latter had said he was going to resign from the baseball club and devote himself strictly to his studies.

"I am sure it isn't his studies that are bothering him," said Phil. " He can go right ahead with his lessons and play baseball, too—if he wants to."

"Well, but why is he angry at me?" demanded Dave.

"I don't know." Phil paused for a moment.