Page:Dave Porter and his Classmates.djvu/322

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tated, shivered, and slowly his hand went to his breast-pocket.

"You'll rue this day!" he muttered, savagely.

Slowly he drew from his pocket the letters Laura had so foolishly sent him. Dave snatched them from his grasp and looked them over swiftly, then stowed them away in his own pocket.

"Now, Merwell, I want you to promise by all you hold sacred not to say a word to anybody about Gus Plum's doings during the past term. For the honor of the school I think this matter ought to be kept secret."

"I'll promise nothing."

"Yes, you will."

Again were Dave's fists doubled up, and again that fire showed itself in his determined eyes. Merwell shivered—for once he felt himself utterly cornered and beaten.

"All right, I promise," he said, in a low tone.

"And you must also promise that in the future you will leave me and my friends alone."

"Have your own way about it."

"Do you promise?"


"Then stand up."

"What do you want next?" growled Merwell. He was feeling more uncomfortable every minute.

"I'll show you," answered Dave, and leaping forward he caught the bully by the collar and