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"Two cents for a shot, Pop!" cried one student, and before an answer could be given, the snowball was launched forth, to catch the janitor in the back.

"Here's a new act in the thrilling drama, 'Buried in the Snow!'" cried another to Horsehair, and sent down on him an avalanche of snow from a window sill above.

"Hi! hi! don't you be after buryin' me alive!" roared the stage driver. "Just wait till I catch you," he added, as he emerged from the snow heap. "We'll have a new act called 'Having His Ears Boxed!'" and he shook his fist at his tormentor.

Dave and his friends were soon in the midst of the sport, and then the snowballs flew faster than ever. It was jolly fun and everybody enjoyed it to the utmost. In the crowd was Macklin, who took the hits he got in good part, and gave almost as good as was sent.

"Hi! Dave, here comes old Haskers!" said Phil, presently. "I'm going to square up for being kept in yesterday." And off he ran, with Dave at his heels, and Ben following.

The second assistant had been down to the barn on some errand. Now he turned toward the deserted boathouse. Following him up, the boys took a position behind one of the clumps of oaks near by.

"All ready?" whispered Phil.
