Page:Dave Porter in the Gold Fields.djvu/217

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"Just you two wait a minute!"

It was Tom Dillon who uttered the words, as he saw Link Merwell and Job Haskers turn to where their horses were tethered.

"You bet they'll wait!" exploded Abe Blower, wrathfully. He stepped forward and seized Merwell by the arm. "What do you mean by playing such a trick as this on me?"

"Le—let go of me!" cried the youth, in fear. "Let go. I—I—didn't I say it was only done in fun?"

"Fun? You won't think it's fun when I git through with you!"

"I—ahem! I think this whole matter can be settled amicably," put in Job Haskers, with an effort. "I am satisfied now that we made a—er—a mistake. But, as Merwell states, it was all done in a—er—a spirit of fun."

"And now you want to sneak off—without even paying me for my trouble!" cried Abe Blower.

"You said you'd come with me for nothing,"