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At the present value of such gems, I should say at least seventy-five thousand dollars."

"Phew! And the settings are to cost eight thousand dollars. That makes a pretty valuable lot of jewelry, I'm thinking," was Dunston Porter's comment.

"You are right, and that is why I wish I had those new safes," added Oliver Wadsworth.

"Can't you keep the diamonds in some safe deposit vault? "

"There is no very good safe deposit place in Crumville. Besides, I must have the gems here, if my workmen are to set them properly. Of course, I'll keep them in the old safes when they are not in the workshop."

"I should think you'd want a watchman around with such diamonds in the place," remarked Dave.

"I have a watchman—old Tony Wells, who is as honest as they make 'em. But, Dave, I don't want you to mention the diamonds to anybody. The fact that I have this order is being kept a secret," went on Mr. Wadsworth, anxiously.

"I'll not say a word to anybody," answered our hero.

"Don't do it—for I am anxious enough about the jewels as it is. I shall be glad when the order is finished and the gems are out of my keeping. I don't want any outsider to know I have them."