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matter by whom, or where the lover may be, she knows it instantly, without being told of it. It comes to her just as naturally as the vapors sail before the summer breeze. I knew that somebody loved me; and that although unseen hitherto, that 'some one' was loved by me. The telegraph of Affection is swifter and surer than that of electric batteries, and every true woman knows it, no matter whether she be dead or alive.

As the sense of this flashed over me, my heart went up to God in such a prayer of gratitude as only they can feel and know, whose deathless yearnings have been fully satisfied. My soul rejoiced in its new tutelage, and it praised God for this sense of the presence in action, if not in sight, of one who took an interest in clearing my pathway to Wisdom's coast, thus early on my everlasting journey toward the shores of the Infinite Sea.[1]

The further end of the lane of light terminated at a spot where was being enacted a scene of a drama wherein the actors were denizens of three worlds—Earth, Soul-world, and Middle State. The lesson taught me was, that very often organization, to a great extent, governs and determines human destiny.

Before a vast audience, on a Sabbath night, stood a lonely man—one with massive and active brain, but thin, weak and puny body—therefore an unbalanced character The woman who seven and twenty years before had given him birth, had imparted her own sensitive nature to her child; while the man through

  1. A revelation concerning which will appear in the sequel; and one, too, compared to which, the grandest and most beautiful things contained in the present volume, are comparatively trivial.—Pub.