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in number in the Southern seas. Every one of them is a victory achieved by Persuasion over Force; and even so the population of the realms of the Soul-worlds is constantly increased by the accession of people who, having got tired of Hell, voted it unpleasant, and have deemed it expedient to emigrate to Heaven, a land which, they have learned from missionaries, abounds in milk and honey, and all good things whatsoever. Every one of this host of emigrants is an accession to the Good, and a loss irreparable to the Bad! Every one is a symbol of the victory of Right over Wrong. Bye-and-bye there will be a total depopulation of the Middle .kingdoms, and their places will be supplied with something better; and the sooner mankind cease to do evil and learn to do well, the quicker will this much-desired hegira take place.

Pure love changes males into men; and when men become what they are capable of in an upward direction, the Middle State will cease to be replenished by such as love ill.

Of course, in a work professedly dealing with and explaining the principia, like this, it is impossible to enter fully into specialities; that task is deferred till another occasion.

No truer saying ever was uttered than that God helps those who help themselves;—a work which every one, especially the mediumistic class, are especially called on to perform.

There being two sides to everything, there is the same to mediumship. The non-injurious kind is that which I advocate, and it consists in the Blending process already alluded to and explained. No possible