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men and women yet, by a great deal. No one is, who yields the will and resigns both soul and body to any spectral experimenter in phreno-mesmerism who may chance to flit along, in their excursions 'up and down the world,' and who are continually 'going to and fro therein.' Reasonable people, whether of earth or higher worlds, are beginning to weary of seeing and hearing sensible-looking men and women, with closed eyes, pacing up and down a platform, and, with folly-driven tongue, giving vent to 'philosophy' which neither God, angels nor men can comprehend a word of!

Before long, something of the realities of the soul and its hidden history will be known, and then ambitious mouthers will no longer split the ears of the people with senseless harangues—olla-podridas compounded of moon-shine and nonsense—pseudo-philosophic hash, concocted of fish, flesh and fowl—most foul, gammon of Bacon and Swedenborg essences—whereof the great Seer isas innocent as Peter the Hermit was of slaying Abel. The time approaches when a better state of things shall exist, and more rational views of human immortality be entertained by the masses. People have made a great mistake in supposing that all the high-flown stuff spoken, written or printed, as emanations from the worlds beyond, were really true; for much of it originated in the brains of the deliverers thereof, whilst more of it is but the result of tricky exploitations of disembodied wags, or downright evil spirits. Another and very popular error is, that the advent of Spiritualism constitutes the opening dawn of a New Dispensation; that it is to supersede Christianity, or to become the nucleoli of a new order of sects, or even the