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each of which latter is composed of the blended spheres of innumerable millions of separate dualities—even all this—all these, I say, are but the result of a single effort of another distinct faculty-organ of the great brain; yet even this grand result will be surpassed by every one of the myriad efforts that same faculty organ is destined to put forth. And when it shall have moved more times than there are stars in the sky, grains of sand upon the sea-shores, leaves in the forests, or aspirations in the human soul—greater than all—the end will not be even foreshadowed, nor God's laboratory one whit exhausted! Man himself, generically speaking, wherever localized beneath the bending dome of the imperial Heaven, is but the result of another single effort—of another single organ of faculty [For although man is nidulated in and developed to personal distinctness through matter, yet the very nature of the thinking principle at once forbids the assumption that it sprung from any combination of material essences, howsoever subtle they may be, and at once explodes the spiritualistic doctrine that matter continues on into spirit. No; soul is discreted from matter by a gulf so wide that an infinite vaccuum exists between the coarsest soul and the most sublimated etherial vapor that ever resulted, or ever will result, from molecular attrition or chemical resolution. Individual monads—all men and women—are scintillas or parts of this third great thought of the Mighty Thinker, God; they are confiscations from The Over-Soul, while Matter is constituted of etherial emanations from God's Infinite Body.[1]] Now every existence

  1. I regret that the limits adjudged to this volume will not permit an amplification of this part of our subject. It must abide the next book.—Author.