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murky. It is difficult to catch a glimpse of the bright orb of the Heavens, or to feel his genial ray down there, in that thick and heavy air; but here, up here, the atmosphere is purer, and, if you look well and steadily through that pane, you will see the Spirit of God as He moves across the mighty deep!" And I looked. A great Glory was at that moment marching across, the whole bright sky—a mystic but a nameless glory—and the night was very grand; the emotions it awoke were very soft and tender, so that tears welled up at the sight from the heart of Devotion, and suffused her beautiful features. Oh, magic tears! One pearly drop fell on me, and lo! the icebergs of my soul were melted, and—I wept;—and the waters, as they flowed, swept away many an obstacle that had thereunto impeded and obstructed my vision, and soon I was able to see the Spirit of God in everything that He had made. Seeing which, the Beautiful Maiden gently chided me for so long delaying the coming up the stairs and the entering of that wondrous upper chamber whose windows look out upon the world below and toward the God above. And she told me how happy I might have been in the years agone, had not the lower strata of the atmosphere hurt my vision, and if I had unlocked the great door sooner. I asked the lovely one to reveal the methods by which, when I descended again, the recollection of the present golden hour might never be effaced. Sweetly she answered: "All that is necessary is to look toward the Dawn, and

"When the dance of the Shadow at daylight is done,
And the cheeks of the Morning are red with the Sun;
When at eve, in his glory, he sinks from the view,
And calls up his planets to blaze in the blue,
Then pour out thy spirit in prayer,