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worlds and mysteries, a few of the latter of which were comprehended by me for the first time.

Standing thus, I reasoned after this wise: 'Unquestionably all the faculties and qualities pertaining to man, as we find him upon the earth, are the results of a design on the part of the august Mind which placed him here. The purpose and function of these faculties and qualities, are to subserve man's best interests, his proper unfolding, and the divine purpose—here; and, doubtless, when by death he shall be transported elsewhere, to meet a new destiny and act in a new drama, other qualities and faculties, adapted to his changed position, will be given him; or, if already latent, will be duly brought into action. Perhaps their seeds are already planted in him; if so, they will assuredly spring up at death, blossom in the Soul-world, and bear golden fruit in that place, and at that period of the infinite year, when God shall so ordain it. We none of us know what we fairly are; and no one, not even the loftiest seraphs, can tell positively what we shall be; yet, that man is re-served, and will through all his trials be pre-served, for some great, some yet undreamed-of destiny or end, there cannot be the shadow of a doubt. Nor will this final end be the mere eternal dwelling in the Valhallas, of which we sometimes dream; nor in the 'spheres,' about which 'spiritual mediums' so glibly talk, nor in the gold-paved cities whereof we so often sing. Our final destiny is none of these. Beyond all question, much of the knowledge acquired in the earth-life will be found at death to have served its purpose here, and will never again come into play

Not a single one of the grander, more noble longings and ambitions of the soul can find their field of action