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other and higher forms, to which the Winged Globe, Man, has transmigrated in its passage from minus to plus—from bad to better, and from better to best. A dog, owl, bat or human body is only so much matter; and the sole business of 'matter' is to furnish so many different sorts of huts, houses, and palaces for spiritual tenants, wherein the primary schools maybe attended by the regal student-soul. I know that even the disenthralled spiritual body is itself but a mere vehicle of Soul, on its next upward transmigration—is still but an adjunct, an out-projection of, and scarcely second cousin to, the tremendous mystery—Soul—the Winged Globe within it. We know that man can live without his carbonaceous body, which is but an incidental assumption in his career, a sort of garb, worn at the longest less than a century; that this period is scarce one second in its immense year; and that he can see without eyes, and know without cerebral organs.[1]

It is an axiom that whatever has one end, must also

  1. Many persons desire to know how to produce and cultivate clairvoyance. To such I present the following rules, knowing them to be efficient, and only requiring patience (or success. 1st, Set apart the first hour after retiring to bed nightly. Eat a light supper; bind a light silk bandage over the entire forehead and eyes, turn the face toward the darkest corner of the room, and endeavor to see. 2d, Never call on a spirit to assist you. 3d, Keep the skin pure by daily ablutions. 4th, Learn to concentrate the mind on a single object, and keep it there. 5th, Fix it on something good, useful and true. 6th, Pray fervently to God. 7th, Ask a mental question, and desire that the symbolic answer may be given. 8th, Wish well to everything and everybody.

    The results will be—1st, You will see a dim haze. 2d, A spark of light. 3d, A greater light. 4th, Misty forms will float before you. 5th, They will grow distinct. 6th, Answers will flow into your mind. 7th, You will gradually merge into a radiant light; behold the actual dead, converse with them, and realize your soul's desire.