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under his care; and it struck me that, even in the Soul-world, all people could not be free from all the human passions, as we know them here below; and that jealousy might disturb the Oriental's peace of mind, I could scarcely doubt.

He saw my mind; and, turning to the full moon of beauty who clung to his side, said to her, "Answer for me!" She did so, and said: "Purity is the soul of Beauty, Symmetry is its spirit, and Justice is its body. Every human being, in the Soul-worlds or elsewhere, loves nothing so well as to be well thought of by all other human beings. Ambition, Emulation, and Personal Joy are the three bars, which constitute the pivot of all human character. The bad passions, as envy, strife, anger, lust, and revenge, on earth, not only destroy the body, but also mar the spirit. Every one of these, and all other evil things, thoughts or deeds, inevitably leave their marks upon the soul, and deep, sad marks they are.

"The law of Truth, the law of Individuality, and the law of Distinctness, (by means of which the man is rounded out into a perfect character, and is afterwards kept for all eternity totally distinct from any other being in all the universe), reign in the Soul-world; nor can they ever be broken or evaded;—consequently, there can be no mistakes in regard to Identity. Cynthia is Cynthia, Thotmor is Thotmor, Clarinda is Clarinda, and John is John—and all must remain so till the end of the Ages . It is so now, whatever it may have been in the ages wherein the angels fell.

"On earth, the real thoughts and sentiments of a soul are hidden beneath the garniture of language and assumption;—not so here in the Soul-world, where every