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the outer limits of creation; and in this, all things are radiant, all things visible.

These observation? were quickly made; and in an instant thereafter, I turned toward the fleecy veil previously observed, and saw the figure of an old, gray-haired man emerge therefrom, leading by the hand, a sweet and lovely girl apparently about ten years old. The gleesome smile on that angel's face, the look of bland benevolence on the features of the man, surpassed aught of the kind that I had ever seen before. Both of them approached, and greeted me. I could not return the salutation, because the strangeness and utter novelty, not only of my new situation, but of my sensations, were such that it was impossible to act as in other moments, I feel certain I should have been prompted to. The man spoke, and called me "daughter." The tones were precisely those I had formerly heard; and two things surprised me: First, their serene and liquid melody,—so very different from those one would naturally expect to hear from one of his appearance; and second, that very appearance itself: for both the man and child were clothed after the manner and fashion of the earth.

This was a matter of astonishment, for I had supposed that the clothing of the Spirit was vastly different from that of the body. Evidently, the old man read my mind, and understood the cause of my perplexity. Drawing near to where I stood, he touched my forehead with his finger, and said, "Be clear, my child, be clear."

As if that touch were magic, there came an instantaneous change over me; it was as if I thought to the point I wished, and that with perfect clarity. Things,