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like sponges, and give it out the same, as may be daily seen on the platforms whence "spiritual mediums" fulminate their doctrines. There you will see a fine, sensitive, delicate woman speaking for hours in tones of thunder, and with an energy sufficient to rack a far stouter frame to pieces,—physically sustained by what she draws from the audience, and returns likewise,—with something added from herself. Such persons, sitting in "circles," either draw off the very life of those with whom they join hands or come in contact, or else themselves are sponged dry[1] Now, one of these sensitives will so absorb the sphere of persons with whom they may chance to be, that they may be led to do many a naughty thing, even against their own inclinations and judgment—especially is this true with reference to the tender passion. Their conduct may be very reprehensible, their hearts be very pure. Of course this condition is a morbid one, and should be sternly fought against and battled down.

The question is often asked, "Do spirits eat?" Answer: In the Middle States, eating is a strong phantasy; the inhabitants believe they eat. In the Soul-world stomachs are useless, as well as the organs of sex, but the soul absorbs nutriment spontaneously. There is no waste!

Having thus briefly replied to the objections likely to be raised, I now resume the narrative at the point where it was left incomplete. What further took place will be found in the next section. As the splendid sentences of Thotmor, recorded in a previous section, fell upon the hearing of my soul, that

  1. For further light on this point see a book called "The Sexual Question," by the writer of this work, and shortly to be published.