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As said before, the soul grows—grows in two ways: first, by development—unfolding and awakening; second, by acquired knowledge and experience. The latter is of and for the earth, the former is of and for the soul itself. The one depends on circumstance and accident, the other is above and beyond both. There may never be much of the latter, but the former will, must go on to Infinity. Both may go on to a great extent on earth; one certainly will in the Hereafter.

All these things I felt, I saw, and knew, as I floated there on the shores of the Spiritual Kingdoms.

Have you ever beheld the golden rain of a rocket, on a stilly summer night? You have? Well, just so God rains monads from Himself! Spirit is the emanation from God's body! Monads are corruscations from His Soul! These truths can never be demonstrated; all spiritual truth is real, and demonstration is effective only in reference to fleeting appearances. The logical faculty deals with what pertains to us on earth; that which pertains to the Spiritual, requires some higher power of the soul. It has it—in the Intuitions. The logical faculty deals with Progress; Intuition with Development—unfolding: organic the one—central-soul the other. Intuition will one day substantiate my discoveries—when I am dead, and this writing is a century old.

At present there is really no Spiritual Philosophy at all—scarcely an approximation thereto. We have not even a spiritual nomenclature, and it is exceedingly difficult to convey spiritual facts or ideas in terms notoriously adapted only to the expression of transitory earthly knowledge.

Swedenborg's ideas are worth all others on the great