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Eternal Secret, the awful, yet radiant Mystery, is as far beyond the Ideal Jehovah, as is the human beyond the analid. Let us make a chain: Matter is the first link: Spirit is the second—I speak of Universes now, remember; Soul—that which constitutes the Human Think-principle, is the third; well, this Over-Soul flows through all these, as man's spirit through his body. Now man is conscious only partly; he knows nothing just on the other side of himself, is ignorant of what life is, and of that august power which governs his involuntary self. Well, the Over-Soul flows out into the All—into the universe of Think, (I can use no other term,) into that of Soul, Monads, Spirit, Matter; and while pervading and being imminent in All, is self-conscious at every point; in the Think, the Monad, the Soul, the Spirit, the Matter, in every particle that is, or can ever be. I hold this, as the truest definition of the Deity yet given; and in the radiant presence of such a thought, all human things must bow; all human pride stand back, all human ideas pale and fade. * *

And these .things came to me, and I believe them true. And God is not good, but beyond it; is not truth, but its foundation; is not power, nor Life, nor Think, but beyond, beneath, above all these! Spirit may be represented as the soul of matter: Soul as the inmost of Spirit; Monad as the base of Soul; Think, as the essence of Monad; God as the Soul of Think. Here, let no man smile at these uncouth expressions; they stand as symbols of mighty truths. I have said that Monads were scintillations from God's brain: They are: That Matter was the proceeding from his body Monads are forms of thought, and are the bubbles on His ever-rising tide of Soul. Hence, these monads