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Indian, Tartar, Chinese, Hindoos, Persians, Arabian, Greek, Turk, German, Gaul, Briton, American! There's the list, in general terms; specific explanations are not needed at this point. The last eighteen are strictly human, for at the point (Neg) I ceased to develope animal; and in passing through that highest form of animal existence, I was impelled one step further, and lo! the first course of transmigrations were ended; I awoke to a consciousness of self, and man, the immortal stood revealed!

Thus I supply the lost links, Philosophers, which connect you with the worlds above, around, and below the plane on which you move."

[Note.—The exact order is not stated, for there are many intermediate links connecting the Simiaj, with the Lemurs and Troglodytes,—or with that portion of the genus of the Quadrumana comprising the Gorilla, higher Orangs, Nschiegos and Chimpanzees; yet the chain itself is generally speaking, quite correct.]

Thus is completed the outlines of the history of a human soul. Let us return to the awakening. * * * * * * I now realized that the Soul and Spirit-worlds were far different from each other,

    Charleston, South Carolina, was delivered, not only of what looked like a monkey—but which was a monkey out and out. The woman had never seen a monkey in her life, so that this was not a case of mere mother-marking, but gestation was interrupted in some respects in some way, at about the nineteenth day after conception, while it went on normally in other respects. An additional proof of the truth of this development theory is seen in the fact that ordinary parents often produce extraordinary geniuses; thus another negro woman of the same city produced a boy by a black and ignorant father who is to-day one of the most extraordinary musical geniuses the world ever saw.
