Page:Declaration of Sports, 1633 (1862 reprint).djvu/16

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barreth the common and meaner ſort of people from vſing such exerciſes as may make their bodies more able for Warre, when Wee or Our Succeſſours ſhall haue occaſion to vſe them. And in place thereof ſets vp filthy tiplings and drunkenneſſe, & breeds a number of idle and diſcontented ſpeeches in their Alehouſes. For when ſhall the common people haue leave to exerciſe, if not vpon the Sundayes & holydaies, ſeeing they must apply their labour, & win their liuing in all working daies?

Our expreſſe pleasure therefore is, that the Lawes of Our Kingdome, and Canons of Our Church be aſwell ob-
