Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/129

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Cm?,. HI.] 'm?r?e?. 1?1 ?m aeku?ledgs, bradurn, ?t ?t ? t? Holy he ? would--as ?e wi?om of t?s world c?not ?he?ise it ? m ? ?e d? of ?e ??ho?; ? wh?ver o? ? will exerc?e pie? m? ?d cannot le? ?s elsewhere but ?t of H?y Sc?pt?es. W?ver, ?erefore, ?e Holy Sc?p?es do p?h, ?t let us ?w ? ?d w?ver ?ey teach, ?t let ? ?do?.? ?? P?p? w? ?m ?ut ?e year 264, w? o? b? oi Cema in P?es?ne in 313, ? ? in 338. We ?ve ?t rem?k?le sen?nce of ?s dehvered in ?e n?e of the ?e h?- dr? ?d eigh?en b?ps of ?e ?t General "?eve ?e ?n? t? ?e ?tten; ?e ?n? ? are n? w?n, nei?er t?nk u?n nor i?re a?r." A?u? w? ?m a?ut the year 300, ?n? bis?p of Aiex- ? ? 326, ?d m?m? the f? of ?e ?1 ? ?s dea?, w?ch ?k place ?ut ?e ye? 375. In ? oration ? ?e Gen- �?, ?w? ?e ?ng, he sa? :--" ?e Holy Sc?, ?ven by i?? of ?, ?e of ?e?lves sufficient ?wa? ?e ?scove? of tm?.? At?i? believed ?at the di?4nity of C?st w? esm? ?h? by Sc?e at ?e Nicene Co?cfi. And s?? of the rate ?ox C?t? oi ?s ?e, he sa? :?" The Ca?ohc C?sfi?s ?1 nei? s? nor endme ? he? any ? ?ger to Sc?pture; it ?ing ? e? heart of i??ty ? s? ?me t?in? w?ch ? not St. Ambrose, who died in 396, says :--" How can we use tho?e dlings which we do not find in the Holy Scriptures ?"�ain: "I rind that he is the ftrst, I read that he is not the second.; they who say he is the second, let them show it by Hilary, ordained bishop of Poictiers the year 350, who died in 367, says in his second book, addressed to Constantius Augustus "0 emperor! I admire your faith, which desires only according to tho? things that were written. "�ain he says in the same chapter: "You seek the faith, O emperor. Hear it then, not from new writings, but from the books of God. Remember that it is not a question of philosophy, but a doctrine of the gospel."? ?regory N?/?eu, brother to St. Basil, who was born about the yem' 330, we8 constituted bishop of Nyssa in 371, and died in 395, says: "Let �"Unus Dens eat, quem non shunde, ?mtres, agnoscimus, qusm ex sanctio Scrip* antis. Quemndmodum enim oi quis velist sapientism hujus sincull oxereere, non shter hoc consequi potent, nisi doghints philo?phamm legat: sioquicunque v?iuhnus plotstam In Denm exercere, non shunde discemu., qusm ex Scriptorb divinis. Qumcunquo ?,?. ?nctm Scripturin prudicant* ociamus; et qumcunque docent, cognsacamue."-- , tom. $; ?'A//oti. Parr., pp. 20, 21, edit. Colon. ? Acf. (Imuc? JVkem., part 2, c. 19. a?D,?la?. ?Afim? Orst. Ad?. Gent., near the begmmn$. a Atica: in Exhort. nd MeMoir.

  • *' (?se in Scripturis sam:tie non ?per?u?, ? quemndmodum usurpsre posaumua?,"

Arabtar. O?c., lib. i, e. 23. q "L ego quit primus eot, iefo quia mm eat seoundus: iili qui ?ecundm aiunt, dOeMat loctioue.".--? is ]rffg/m l?ft/f., e. 11.

    • "Domine Comaanti Imperator, admirer, fadera tenturn sacundum m, qum scripts

?unt dmidemntem."?.4d (?med?znt..4ulm?., lib. ii, c. 8, tom. 'd, p. 11. if "Fidore Imperator queeris: audi esot, non de rmv/s chartnlra, oed Dei librim. Memento earn non qumotionem ph?losophim ease, sad Evangelii doctrimm.**?ldduL 1