Page:Delineation of Roman Catholicism.djvu/488

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CHAPTER XVI. M&TISIMO?IY. l, TsB Doc'Ftu? rr&TwD. 1. Council of Trent cited: t Tho doctxM miniriced to the Church The Council of Trent, at its twenty-fourth serodom, hold November 11, 15433, took up the subject of matrimony, lind, having explained their visw? of thio institmion, present us with twelvo cansre, enforeed by as many annAhennas. Certain ena?sent? accompuy thio doeroe, purporting to provide for the "reformation of matrimony. '�the ob- storyreiGns of the souneff, preeeding the decree, they take occasion to rorer to ?e institution of' marrings at the ctutiou; the ? of Paul, Eph. v, 25, 32. Fhe council also state that the/s? er ? feftmt?, whom they mill ?, ?n,p?tf? sun, &c., haee raved ? and indulged wrong thoufhto eoucorn?g ? meremeat, and have w?tten S?tinst the aentimenm of the Caflmtic Chn?h. Thoudie ommeil. coxbshttie? "Therefore, dais holy and uivorul eomcil, &mirhg to prevent such reshness, hath determin6d to dostroy the infamous sesieo md ermm of the befmt?nsfnsd schi? lear ninny more . ?11owiag tmmhem? are decreed asuim thom heretics end their These are the canons containing the an? or eu'Me, to which the council refers. "?mon 1. Vv"aoewr shall afftrm that matrimony is not tndy and pro- p?o?rl?F one o?_the. 8?ven.s?remen.ts of the evangelical law, instimtod .by C;Izrtst our tom, but tJmt it is a human invention, introduced into me church, and does not confer grace; let him be accureed. "2. NVhoever shall affirm that Christhals my have ? wives tha?_ one, and that thb is prohibited by no divine law; let him be a?cmued. "3. Whoever shall affirm that only those degrees of consanguinity or affinity which are mentioned in the book of Leviticus can hinder or disannul the marriage contract; and that the church hn no power to dispense with some of them, or to constitute additional hinderance? or renons for dinnuuni?g the contract; let him be seeursed. "4. Whoever shall afFmn that the church cannot constitute any ira. pediments, with power to dinnnul matrimony, or that in constituting them she has erred; let him be accursed. "5. Whoever shall aftran that the marriage bond may be disre)Ired by heresy, or mutual dislike, or voluntary absence from the hushnd or wife; let him be accumed. "6. Wboever shall a?mu th? a mmrriafe ooiemmod b? not eou* 1