Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/146

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112 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. foliage ornament predominating, but the quality of the work is unusually good for Devon and more resembles work of a like nature in Essex or Suffolk. The position of the Great Parlour, with solar over, in relation to their position to the hall are similar to those of Athelhampton, Dorset, a house of about the same period. The room over the Great Parlour, the solar, is now divided into three rooms and at the end nearest the hall, one is shown a hiding place, but as it is lighted with a window visible from the courtyard this is doubtful. It has similar fine carved beams but not of quite such fine design and the mantelpiece is similar in design to that of the parlour. Beyond these rooms, to the south, appears another extension at a lower roof level, terminating in a gardrobe. The chimneys are the great features of the house and seem to be a survival from the earlier house. At Place House, Tisbury, Wilts, is a louvre shaped chimney cut in soft stone; and at Preston Plucknett, near Yeovil, another, now patched in places with brick, but in each house only one remains, whereas at Newnham there are two complete and the remains of a third. Being built of granite, they have survived. The form of chimney is an early one and I cannot call to mind any other example in the county ; only a few of this type remain now in the country. In submitting this brief account of Newnham the writer desires to explain that he only spent a short time there with the Devonshire Association, and was unable to take any photographs or measurements. A. L. R. 95. Parish of Welcombe (IX., p. 70, par. 73). — I notice that OHver, in the Additional Supplement of his Mouasticon, says (p. 18) : S. Nectan's Chapel, at Welcombe, " honorifice aedificata," was consecrated with its cemetery in Sep. 1508. The wake was to be kept on the Sunday after the Feast of S. Michael. (See Oldham's Reg., fol. 29 ad calcem). As a sign of dependance on the Parish Church of Hartland, the inhabitants of Welcombe were charged to keep in repair " partem fossati cemeterii Ecclesie parochialis." The copy of the indenture printed on p. 70 formed part, I believe, of the Pitman Jones MSS. and is now part of Stockdale MSS., in the possession of the Exeter Diocesan