Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/216

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i6o Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. of apparently thirteenth century date, or it may be earlier. The seats are 15 ins. in depth, and i ft. 6 ins. above the original floor level. But the most notable instance to hand is that of the Cathedral Church of Exeter, the only English Cathedral Church, I believe, in which this feature is found. The bases of the nave piers are surrounded by a stone seat, some 9 ins. in depth, and at a height varying from 1 ft. to I ft. 4 ins, above the present floor level. The customary arrangement of the nave chairs, close up to the piers, usually prevents these base-seats from being as noticeable as they might be. Edith K. Prideaux. 134. Devon and Cornwall Incumbents. — We have from time to time been favoured by our readers with lists of incumbents of Devon and Cornwall parishes, some of which have appeared in our pages. It is felt, however, that this form of publication is not the most suitable, consequently the Editors have decided to hand any further lists which are forwarded to the Librarian of the Exeter City Library for preservation against the time when sufficient have been collected to warrant serious consideration of publication as an appendix to this magazine or in separate book form. A small collection made by the late Dr. T. N. Brushfield, and bequeathed by him to the Exeter Library, to which Miss Beatrix Cresswell has made considerable additions from her Devon Church Notes, will form a valuable nucleus for the Devon collection, and Mrs. Rose-Troup has promised a collection which she has for some years past been making. Mr. Maxwell Batten has rendered valuable assistance with Cornwall lists, but so far, the Duchy is not as well represented as it should be. We appeal to our readers to assist us with this work. There are scores of churches with lists posted in them which it would only take a short time to copy. 3^^ v.ii /<^ Eds. Note. — The Editors regret that owing to want of space a number of interesting contributions and replies have unavoidably been held over. The Editors trust this delay will not deter readers from continuing to submit con- tributions, which they are assured shall be published at the earliest possible opportunity.