Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/229

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 173 or was he of a later generation ? To decide this knotty question we want information as to the names and dates of birth of the four younger sons of the Rector of Gerrans. Perhaps some of your readers may be able to come to our help and furnish the information desired. >^< P-Zy/. W.S.B.H. 138. Teigngrace Church and Early Consecrations (IX., p. 108, par. 93). — In an edition of Gratian's Decrees, undated, but bearing the imprint of B [erthold] Rembolt, and therefore published, probably, within a few years' range of I4a4, is what appears to be the text of the " letter " cited by the Rev. O. J. Reichel, as from " Gratian III., Dist. I., c. 24." If it be so, the translation offered by Mr. Reichel (as well as his reference) would seem to stand in need of correction, and his deductions consequently to invite revision. The letter or decree is attributed by Gratian not to " Pope Vigilius " [c. 538 A.D.] but to the Pope whom he styles both "Julius" and " Julianus " [341 A.D.] ; and so far from declaring the " three things specified by Mr. Reichel to have been " necessary for consecration," it appears to me to shew (2) if not also (i) to have been un- essential at that period. ^^^^ Gratianus (who wrote c. i^«- A.D.^'^) glosses the term "sanctuaria" as ^ veliqiua sanctorum, vel altaria (relics of saints, or altars), and according to Ducange it may mean " holy relics, images or statues " ; but to translate " sancttiaria " as "shrine" and then to interpret the word "shrine" as "an adjoining altar-chapel," is to subject it to a strain that the context does not justify. The text runs thus : — Ite Julian' Papa De eode. Casus. De fabrica vero cuiuslibet eccl'e si diruta fuerit in- staurada. & si in eo loco cosecratiois solenita' debeat iterari in quo sanctuaria no fuerit nihil indicam' officere : si p ea minime iactet' aqua exorcizata quia in consecratioe cuius- libet eccl'ie in qua spus sacti arra no ponitur celebritate scimus tatum esse missaru. et ideo si qua sanctoru basilica a fundamentis fuerat inovata sine altaris motione : sive aliqua

  • Succession of Sacred Literature, J. B. B. Clarke, III., 683.