Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/241

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 185 Vol. ix., page 73, or that St. Nicholas was the patronal saint, vide Mr. Reichel's article, Vol. ix., p. 109. From the description of the building in Miss Cresswell's notes it appears probable that portions of the original church remain embodied in the existing building, and, therefore, no re-consecration was necessary. Is it possible that the shaft of the cross, mentioned by Miss Cresswell, on the south side of the churchyard is that of Edric Borda ? Was the "strata ferrata " part of the Ichneild w^ay or Fosse way which passed through Kennford, Sandygate to Totnes, described by Mr. Cotton, Trans. Devon. Asso., xvi., or is it possible that this is evidence of a Roman Road which, I think, some writers believe ran from Exeter across Dartmoor. The tragic story of the martyrdom of the child saint St. Cyriacus or Cyres and his mother Julitta, in 303 a.d., is told by Mr. Oldham in his paper on church dedications in Devon, Trans. Devon. Asso., xxxv. Can anyone say where the Castle of St. Julitta was ? There was a castle for the Canons of St. Mary in Exeter, recorded in Domesday Survey, but according to Victoria History of Devon, page 398, vol. I., there were only one or two others in the county. Cotteleg is Cotley, in the parish of Dunsford, but I cannot identify Herbethleg or Birigg with any existing names in the locality, unless possibly Birigg was the ancient spelling of Perridge. Q^^ pz/?. F- Fulford. 154. West Country Clock and Watch Makers (IX., p. 30, pars 25-28 ; p. 64, par. 64, et ante. — To the names already given may be added the following : — Beare, Jno., Pilton, 1780; Bennett, , Plymouth; Bennett, , Totnes; Evens, , Totnes ; Heard, WiUiam, Hartland ; Oatway, John, Torrington ; Shimbles, , Totnes ; Uglow, Geo., Stratton ; Whitby, Willm,, Cullompton. I have come across the following in the official list of patentees prior to 1852 : — Eva, Richard, of Falmouth, who patented with another on 9 Feb., 1796 (No. 2087) "apparatus for taking obser- vations and altitudes, both by sea and land, without any dependence on the visible or sensible horizon."