Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/278

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2i8 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. Under date 24 November, 1709. Burials — "Richard Coles, servant with Mr. Copleston, of Tedburn, who died suddenly." On enquiring further I found that the Rev. John Copleston. of Tedburn, was an ancestor of Dr. Edward Copleston, Bishop of Llandaff. Now from the slab in the church at Tedburn it would appear that William Copplestone and the Rev. Edward Copplestone were related ; and as the Rev. John Copleston preceded Edward Copleston as rector, may we not assume that he was related to both of them ? Col. Sir John Copleston, Sheriff of Devon, 1656-8, married Grace, d. of Anthony Copleston and his wife Mary, daughter and heiress of Humphrey Larder, of Upton Pyne. His second son was christened Larder. Both Sir John and Dr. Edward were of the Dorset branch of the family, and I think that the Rev. John, the Rev. Edward and William Copplestone (gent.), of Tedburn, were all of that branch and not of the Woodland branch. ^^ p. 75-^ ^<^- ^ ^ ^ W. H. Copleston. 183. Strode Crest (IX., p. 179, par. 146, tt ante). — I am afraid that my note re above has been misunderstood. I did not state that a ' savin ' and ' yew ' are the same, but that the man I quoted called a 'yew' 'savin.' As a matter of fact the actual plant was ' Taxus toccata adpressa.' It is perhaps only a provincialism, but this old Devonian in his ignorance did not distinguish between ' Juniperus ' and

  • Taxus.' The crest on the medal which Lady Radford

mentions is in my opinion a yew and has been trimmed to shape. One thing is quite certain, and that is that the crest is not 'Jicnipenis' which is a low growing shrub. The motto " Hieme Viresco" evidently refers to an evergreen tree. G.S. This correspondence must now cease. — Eds. 184. Hocktide. — The question has often been put to me, what is Hocktide ? and I have done my best by answering that it is the secular High or Festival time after the close of the religious part of the Easter festival. It is held on the Tuesday after Low Sunday, Low Sunday