Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/57

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68S617 Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 35 I have identified and collated twenty-four of the (defective) Prayers, Collects, etc., and Lections, in the latter MS., with Sacramentarial and with Biblical (Vulgate) texts, and have noted in nearly all cases variations in spelling, and omissions, interpolations or inversions of words.^ Some portions of the liturgical matter are (like the majority of forms in " Leofric A ") of " Gregorian," others of " Gelasian " derivation ; others, again, that I fail to trace in Warren's work on the " Leofric Missal," or in H. A. Wilson's edition of the earliest extant text of the " Gelasian Sacramentary " (Vatican MS. " Regina, No. 316" [early eighth cent.] ), I find in the Missale Ad Usum Savum, as edited by F. H. Dickinson ; but there remain yet others that I am unable to discover in either of these books ; possibly they may be Galilean survivals. The inference seems justifiable that the MS. whose remains are now in the Exeter Chapter Library, was a rescension from a common, and therefore very early, source or sources ; and it is to be hoped that it may throw some fresh light on the disputed origin of the Sarum Missal.f I may add that the variety of matter contained in these Exeter fragments shews them to represent a more or less Plenary Missal, and not merely a Sacramentary, nor merely a Lectionary. According to certain authorities,! such Missals (replacing sets of separate books for the performance of Mass) began to come into existence c. goo a.d. ; but even by the eleventh or twelfth century, the majority (including the Bodleian Leofric) " have only an imperfect claim to be regarded as ' Missalia Plena.' " Analysis of the MS. brings out many further points of extreme interest for Liturgists, for the discussion of which I have not here space at command. Ethel Lega-Weekes. 34. Ancient Devon Manuscripts. — On p. 23 of the Letters and Papers of John Shillingford, Mayor of Exeter,

  • I have not succeeded in identifying any of the Lections with those

in Grandissons " Legenda de Usu Exoniensis " (D. and C, MS., No. 3504), but most of them answer to those in the Sarmn Missal for the same days or seasons. t See Henry Bradshaw Sac, Vol. XII., pp. 1419, 1421, 1423. J See Catholic Did., Encycl. Brit., Prayer Book Did., sub verbis Missal, Liturgy, and Use, and F. E. Brightman, The English Rile, p. vii.