Page:Devon and Cornwall Queries Vol 9 1917.djvu/93

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Devon and Cornwall Notes and Queries. 69 and as a result of the knowledge thus gained was able to contribute to the Bridport News a series of learned articles on the borough archives and the town's history. On his removal to Barnstaple, Mr. Wainwright was associated with Mr. J. P. Harris in conducting a private boarding school, and in 1872 he was appointed head master of Barnstaple's ancient Grammar School ; this office he held until 1890, when he resigned in order to become Librarian of the Barnstaple Athenaeum. The last mentioned post Mr. Wainwright filled until the day of his death. It was in this capacity that he was best known, and the work which he did during his tenure will always be gratefully remembered by local antiquaries. In addition to his great knowledge of local history and topography, he was much interested in botany and meteorology and took a prominent part in church affairs. For several years he was Vice-Chairman of the Barnstaple School Board. In 1870 he assisted in estab- lishing the Noyth Devon Herald, and for some time assisted in the editorial work. In addition to numerous articles to periodical literature, Mr. Wainwright published, in con- junction with Mr, F. R. Chanter, Banistaple Records, and in 1903 he issued a large volume consisting of a transcript of the Barnstaple Parish Register from 1538-1812, the use- fulness of which would have been much improved had it been indexed or published in alphabetical form. In 1852 Mr. Wainwright married Miss Julia Durien, by whom he had nine children, five of whom survive. Mr. Wainwright was interred at Barnstaple in a grave next to that of his wife, who predeceased him some years ago. We much regret that we are unable to follow our usual practice of publishing a photograph with this notice, but understand that Mr. Wainwright had a strong aversion to being photographed, and we have been unable to secure one suitable for publication. H. T.-S. 72. Collins (author of the Peerage). — In a recent list of Devonians I see that Arthur Collins has been included, and that his birthplace is given as Exeter. While sympathising with a natural desire to claim for Devon one who has been described as an " able genealogical historian " and an " able and indefatigable writer," the question is, can authority be