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Karrin, a.—Blunt-edged.

Karyma, s.—A scorpion. (Northern dialect.)

Katta, s.—Head; hill; top of anything.

Katta Katta Kăbbin, v.—To hesitate.

Kattamordo, s.—(Upper Swan dialect.) The mountains; the high head. The name given to the Darling range of hills, which runs nearly north and south for almost three hundred miles. Their base is granite, having boulders of ironstone and breccia superimposed, and being in some places intersected by basalt. The other principal ranges are the Stirling range, comprising the high hills of Tulbrunup and Kykunerup, the highest yet known in the colony; and also Moresby's flat-topped range, which is supposed to be of the red sandstone of the coal formation, and promises to be a valuable district when examined.

Kattangirang, s.—A small species of lizard.

Katte, v.—(North dialect.) To carry; to fetch.

Kattidj, v.—Pres. part., Kattidjin; past tense, Kattidjaga; to know; to understand; to hear. This word seems to be compounded of Katta, the head; and Ijow, to put.

Kattidjballar, v.—To conceal information. Literally, to know secretly.

Kattidjmurdoinăn, v—To mind; to fix your attention upon.

Kattik—(K.G.S.) Night.

Kattin—(K.G.S.) A few.

Kattyl, v.—To delay.

Kiddal, s.—A species of cricket insect. Grilla.

Ki-ilgur, s.—(K.G.S.) A small species of hawk.

Ki-in—(K.G.S.) The dead.

Kijjibrun, s.—A water-fowl; a species of Coot.

Kilkillăng—As Nalgo Kilkillang; setting the teeth on edge.

Killal. s.—Formica maxima; lion-ant.

Killin, s.—The pudenda.

Kilung, s.—(K.G.S.) The fresh-water tortoise.

K-nude, s.—A species of casuarina.

Kobbălăk, s.—Pregnancy.

Kobbălo, s.—Stomach; belly.

Kobbalobakkan-yugow, v.—To want. (See 'Gurdu) To hunger for a thing.

Kobbălo-bu-yirgădăk, s.—A sorcerer. Boylya Gadăk. Compounded of Kobbalo, stomach; Buyi, a stone; and Gadak, possessing. Seemingly answering to our stony or hard-hearted person.

Kobart, s.—A species of spear-wood found in the swamps.

Kobat Kobatănăn, v.—To decoy. Compounded of Kue, the sound they utter when calling at a distance to each other; and Bado, to go.

Kogang, ad.—In ambush, as watching for game.