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COPYof a Letter from John Turpin to his son Richard Turpin, Priſoner in York Caſtle.

March 29, 1739.

Dear Child,

I received your letter this inſtant, with a great deal of grief; according to your Requeſt, I have writ to your brother John, and Madame Peck, to make what interceſſion can be made to Col. Watſon, in order to obtain tranſportation for your miſfortune; which had I 100 l., I would freely part with it to do you good; in the meantime my prayers for you; and for God's ſake, give your whole mind to beg of God to pardon your many transgreſſions, which the thief upon the croſs received pardon for at the laſt hour, tho' a very great offender. The Lord be your comfort, and receive you into his eternal kingdom.

I am your distressed,
Yet loving father,


All our loves to you, who are in much grief to ſubſcribe ourſelves your diſtreſſed brother and ſiſter, with relations.