Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1186

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1174 TRICIPTINUS. establishment of the republic. [Vol. III. p. 978, b.] Triciptimis was a member of the senate under Tarquinius, and was appointed Praefectus Urbi by the king, when the latter left the city to prosecute the war against Ardea. After the dethronement of the king, and before the appointment of the consuls, Triciptinus, in virtue of his office of Prae- fectus Urbi, had the government of the city, lie presided at the comitia, in which the first consuls were elected, and for this purpose was probably elected interrex by the patricians, as indeed is ex- pressly stated by Dionysius (v. 11), and might be inferred from analogy. The two first consuls were L. Junius Brutus and L. Tarquinius Collatinus, b. c. 509 ; and after the death of Brutus in battle, in the course of the same year, Triciptinus was elected to supply his place ; but worn out by age, he died a few days after entering upon the office. (Liv. i. 58, 59, ii. 8 ; Dionys. iv. 76, 82, 84, v. 11, 19 ; Tac. Ann. vi. 11 ; Rep. ii. 31.) 2. T. Lucretius T. f. Triciptinus, consul in B. c. 508 with P. Valerius Publicola, in which year he fought against the Etruscans, who had attacked Rome under Porsena, and he is said by Dionysius to have been wounded in the battle. Dionysius, however, places the invasion of Porsena in the following year, and accordingly represents Triciptinus as one of the generals of the Roman army under the consuls. (Liv. ii. 8, 11 ; Dionys. V. 20, 22, 23.) Triciptinus was consul a second time in B, c. 504 with P. Valerius Publicola, in which year the consuls carried on the war against the Sabines with success. (Liv. ii. 16 ; Dionys. v. 40, foil.) 3. Lucretius (Triciptinus), consul in b. c. 507 with P. Valerius Publicola, according to Livy (ii. 15) ; but in Dionysius (v. 21) and the Fasti M. Horatius Pulvillus is mentioned instead as the colleague of Publicola. [Pulvillus, No. 1.] 4. L. Lucretius T. f. T. n. Triciptinus, son of No. 2, was consul in B. c. 462 with T. Veturius Geminus Cicurinus. He fell upon the Volscians, when they were returning from an invasion of the Roman territory laden with booty, and nearly annihilated the whole army. He obtained in con- sequence the honour of a triumph. In the follow- ing year he exerted himself warmly to save Kaeso Quintius, who was brought to trial by the tribune Virginius. (Liv. iii. 8, 10, 12 ; Dionys. ix. 69 — 71.) Triciptinus is mentioned by Dionysius (xi. 15) as one of the distinguished senators who spoke in favour of the abolition of the decemvirate iuB. c. 449. 5. HosTDS Lucretius L. f. T. n. Tricipti- nus, son of No. 4, consul in b. c. 429 with L. Sergius Fidenas. (Liv. iv. 30.) 6. P. Lucretius Hosti f. Triciptinus, son of No. 4, consular tribune in b. c. 419, and a second time in 417. (Liv. iv. 44, 47.) 7. L.Lucretius Flavus Triciptinus, consul in B.C. 393 with Ser. Sulpicius Camerinus, in which year he conquered the Aequi. He was consular tribune in 391, when he gained a victory over the Volsinienses ; and he held the same office a second time in 388, a third time in 383, and a fourth time in 381. (Liv. v. 29, 32, vi. 4,21,22.) Plutarch (Camill. 32) represents L. Lucretius as the senator who was usually asked first for his opinion, probably because he was one of the few who had held the rank of consul ; and the same TRIGEMINUS. writer informs us that Lucretius spoke against the removal to Veii. TRICOLO'NUS (Tp«/co'Awros), two mythical personages, one a son of Lycaon, and founder of Tricoloni in Arcadia (Paus. viii. 3. § 1), and the other one of the suitors of Hippodameia, who was conquered and killed by Oenomaus. (Paus. vi. 21. § 7.) _ [L. S.] TRICOSTUS, the name of an ancient family of the Virginia gens. Almost all the members of the Virginia gens belonged to this family, which be- came so extensive that it was subdivided into other families bearing the names of Caeliomonta- Nus, Esquilinus, and Rutilus. The two former are spoken of under their respective names, and it therefore only remains to treat here of the Tricosti, who had no additional name, and of the Tricosti Rutili. 1. Opiter Virginius Tricostus, consul b. c. 502 with Sp. Cassius Viscellinus, carried on war against the Aurunci and took Pometia, in conse- quence of which he and his colleague obtained a triumph. (Liv. ii. 17 ; Dionys. v. 49.) 2. Opiter Virginius (Tricostus), consul b. c. 473 with L. Aemilius Mamercus, according to Livy (ii. 54) ; but other authorities give Vopis- cus Julius Julus in place of Virginius. [Jul us. No. 3.] 3. L. Virginius Tricostus, consul b. c. 435 with C. Julius Julus. (Liv. iv. 21 ; Diod. xii. 49.) Respecting the events of this year, see Julus, No. 4. Virginius and Julius were again consuls in the following year, according to Licinius Macer ; but other authorities mentioned M. Manlius and Q. Sulpicius as consuls, and others again relate that there were no consuls but consular tribunes this year. (Liv. iv. 23.) 4. L. Virginius Tricostus, consular tribune B. c. 389, the year after Rome had been taken by the Gauls. (Liv. vi. 1.) 5. Proculus Virginius Tricostus Rutilus, consul B. c. 486 with Sp. Cassius Viscellinus, marched against the Aequi ; but as they would not meet him in the field, he returned to Rome after laying waste their territory. He took an active part in opposing the agrarian law of his colleague, [Viscellinus.] (Liv. ii. 41 ; Dionys^ viii. 68, ix. 51.) 6. T. Virginius T. f. T. n. Tricostus Ru- tilus, consul B. c. 479 with K. Fabius Vibulanus, in which year the Fabia gens left Rome to carry on the war alone against Veii. (Liv. ii. 48, 49 ; Dionys. ix. 14.) This Virginius was augur, and died in 463 in the great pestilence which devas- tated Rome in that year. (Liv. iii. 7.) 7. A. Virginius T. f. T. n. Tricostus Ru- tilus, brother of No. 6, was consul in B. c. 476 with Sp. Servilius Priscus Structus. (Liv. ii. 51 ; Dionys. ix. 25.) TRIGE'MINUS, P. CURIA'TIUS FISTUS, consul B. c. 453, and one of the first decemvi- rate, is spoken of under FiSTUS. The cognomen Trigeminus shows that he pretended to be de- scended from one of the three Curiatii who fought with the Horatii ; and it appears from coins, a specimen of which is annexed, that some of the Curatii in later times laid claim to a similar de- scent. On the obverse of the coin is the head of Pallas with trige (i, e. Trigeminus), and on tlie reverse a woman driving a quadriga with Victory standing behind her, and the legend c. cvr {C. Cu-