Page:Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and Mythology (1870) - Volume 3.djvu/1194

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1182 TULLIA. in B.C. 174. (Liv. xxxv. 7, xxxvii. 47, 50, xxxix. 23, 32, 40, 46, xli. 21.) 6. C. Sempronius C. f. Tuditanus, was one of the ten commissioners sent to L. Mummius in B. c. 146 in order to form Southern Greece into a Roman province. He has been confounded by "Drumann {Geschiclde Roms, vol. iii. p. 81) with the following [No. 7], as he had been by Cicero, whose mistake was corrected by Atticus. This Tuditanus was the proavus or great grandfather of the orator Hortensius. (Cic. ad Att. xiii. 6. § 4, xiii. 33. § 3.) 7. C. Sempronius C. f. C. n. Tuditanus, the son of No. 6, was praetor B. c. 132, fourteen years after his father had been sent as one of the ten commissioners into Greece. (Cic. ad Att. xiii. 30. § 3, xiii. 32. § 3.) He was consul in b. c. 129, with M'. Aquilius. On the proposition of Scipio Africanus, the decision of the various disputes, which arose respecting the public land in carrying the agrarian law of Gracchus into effect, was trans- ferred from the triumvirs who had been appointed under the law, to the consul Tuditanus ; but the latter, perceiving the difficulty of the cases that were brought before him, avoided giving any deci- sion by pleading that the Illyrian war compelled him to leave the city. In Illyricum he carried on war against the lapydes, and at first unsuccess- fully, but he afterwards gained a victory over them chiefly through the military skill of his legate, D. Junius Brutus, who had previously earned great glory by his conquests in Spain. [Brutus, No. 15.] On his return to Rome, Tuditanus was allowed to celebrate a triumph over the lapydes. (Veil. Pat. ii. 4 ; Cic. de Nat. Dear. ii. 5 ; Appian, B. a i. 19, Illyr. 10 ; Liv. Epit. 5Q ; Fasti Capit.) Tuditanus was an orator and an historian, and in both obtained considerable distinction. Cicero says of him [Brut 25) : — " Cum omni vita atque victu excultus atque expolitus, tum ejus eleojans est ha- bitum etiara orationis genus." Dionysius (i. 11) classes him with Cato the Censor as among Xoyiw- TCLTOvs T(au 'PwfjLaicav (rvyypa<p€wv. His historical work is likewise quoted by some of the other an- cient writers. (Ascon. in Cornel, p. 76, ed. Orelli ; Gell. vi. 4, xiii. 15 ; Macrob. i. 16 ; Krause, Vitae et Frag. Histor. Rom. p. 178, foil.) This Tudita- nus was the maternal grandfather of the orator Hortensius, since his daughter Sempronia married L. Hortensius, the father of the orator. 8. Sempronius Tuditanus, was the maternal grandfather of Fulvia, the wife of Antonius the triumvir. He is described by Cicero as a mad- man, who was accustomed to scatter his money among the people from the Rostra. (Cic. Phil. in. 6, Acad. ii. 28 ; Val. Max. vii. 8. § 1.) CN. TUDl'CIUS, a senator, who supported Cluentius. (Cic. pro Cluent. 70.) M. TU'GIO, mentioned by Cicero in his oration for Balbus (c. 20) as a person well versed in the law relating to aqueducts. TU'LLIA, the name of the two daughters of Servius Tullius, the sixth king of Rome. [Tullius, Servius.] TU'LLIA, frequently called by the diminutive TULLIOLA, was the daughter of M. Cicero and Terentia. The year of her birth is not mentioned, but it was probably in B. c. 79 or 78. [Terentia, No. 1.] Her birthday was on the 5th of Sextilis or August. She was betrothed as early as b. c. 67 to C. Calpumius Piso Frugi, whom she married in TULLIA. B. c. 63 during the consulship of her father. At the time of Cicero's exile (b. c. 58), Tullia dis- played a wann interest in his fate. She and her husband threw themselves at the feet of the consul Piso to implore his pity on behalf of their father. During Cicero's banishment Tullia lost her first husband : he was alive at the end of b. c. 58, but she was a widow when she welcomed her father at Brundusium on his return from exile, in August of the following year. She was married again in b. c. 56 to Furius Crassipes, a young man of rank and large property ; but she did not live with him long, though the time and the reason of lier di- vorce are alike unknown. [Crassipks, No. 2.] In B, c. 50 she was married to her third husband, P. Cornelius Dolabella, one of the most profligate young men of a most profligate age. Cicero was well acquainted with the scandalous private life of his future son-in-law, for although the latter was still only twenty, he had been already twice de- fended by the orator in a court of justice when accused of the most abominable crimes. But the patrician birth, high connections, and personal beauty of Dolabella, covered a multitude of sins as well in Cicero's eyes as in those of his wife and daughter. Dolabella had been previously married and divorced his wife Fabia for the purpose of marrying Tullia. The marriage took place during Cicero's absence in Cilicia. The connection, as might have been anticipated, was not a happy one. On the breaking out of the civil war in B. c. 49, the husband and the father of Tullia espoused op- posite sides. While Dolabella fought for Caesar, and Cicero took refuge in the camp of Pompey, Tullia remained in Italy. She was pregnant at the commencement of the war, and on the 19th of May, B. c. 49, was delivered of a seven months' child, which was very weak, and died soon after- wards. After the battle of Pharsalia, Dolabella returned to Rome, but brought no consolation to his wife. He carried on numerous intrigues with various Roman ladies ; and the weight of his debts had become so intolerable that he caused hirasel to be adopted into a plebeian family, in order obtain the tribuneship of the people, and thus able to bring forward a measure for the abolitioB of debts. He was elected tribune at the end o| B. c. 48, and forthwith commenced to carry }% schemes into execution. But Antony took u| arms, and Dolabella was defeated. In the mida of these tumults Tullia, who had been long sufl^e ing from ill health, set out to join her father Brundusium, which place she reached in Jun«  B. c. 47. Cicero, however, was unwilling tha even his own daughter should be a witness of hi degradation, and he therefore sent her back to he mother. Dolabella's conduct had been so sea dalous, that a divorce would have been the prop course ; but this Cicero would not adopt, as feared the anger of the dictator, and was unwillinj to lose a friend in Dolabella, He did not, ho ever, require his intercession, for Caesar not onlj pardoned him but received him as his friend, whei he landed in Italy in September (b. c. 47). Cicer returned to Rome, and Dolabella was likewia pardoned by Caesar. In December Dolabella weni to Africa to fight against the Pompeian party, bul he came bnck to Italy ia the summer of the fol- lowing year (b. c. 46). Tullia and her husband now lived together again for a short time, but be fore Dolabella left for SpaJjx at the end of the yearJ