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its capture from the Spaniards, and practically commanded the English contingent after the death of Reynolds, though Lockhart nominally succeeded to the generalship. The reason for thus passing over Morgan was no doubt that, though he was well qualified to lead an army in the field, the relations between the allied armies required a general who was also a diplomatist. The narrative attributed to Morgan (printed in vol. i. of the 'Phoenix Britannicus,' a collection of tracts made by Morgan in 1732) claims all the successes of the campaign as his ; but his own letters are modest enough (Thurloe, vii. 217, 258). He was wounded in the storming of an outwork at the siege of St. Venant (Heath, Chronicle, p. 726).

At the battle of the Dunes (4 June 1658) Lockhart was present and commanded the English contingent, but more than one account represents Morgan as its real leader (Thurloe, vii. 155; Clarke, Life of James II, i. 347). After the capture of Dunkirk, Morgan with three English regiments continued to serve in Turenne's army, while the rest were left in garrison, and he was again slightly wounded at the taking of Ypres (Mercurlus Politicus, 17-24: June, 19-26 Aug. 1658). At the close of the campaign he returned to England, and was knighted by the protector, Richard Cromwell, on 25 Nov. 1658. His command in Scotland had been kept vacant, but illness delayed his return to it. In October 1659, when Monck declared against Lambert's expulsion of the parliament, Morgan was at York, where the gout had obliged him to halt on his way north. Monck was anxious for his assistance, but the letter which he sent him was intercepted by Colonel Robert Lilburne. Morgan was afraid that he would be stopped, but persuaded Lilburne and Lambert that he disapproved of Monck's proceedings, and they accordingly commissioned him to induce Monck to lay down his arms. He delivered his message, but at the same time told Monck that he meant to share his fortunes. 'You know,' he said, 'I am no statesman ; I am sure you are a lover of your country, and therefore I will join with you in all your actions, and submit to your prudence and judgment in the conduct of them.' Morgan's coming ' was a great accession to Monck's party, and a great encouragement to all the officers and soldiers ; for he was esteemed by them to be, next the general, a person of the best conduct of any then in arms in the three nations, having been nearly forty years in arms, and present in the greatest battles and sieges of Christendom for a great part of that time.' He was specially useful in the reorganisation of Monck's cavalry, which was the weak part of his army (Baker, Chronicle, ed. Phillips, 1670, pp. 688-90; Gumble, Life of Monck, p. 144; Price, Mystery of His Majesty's Restoration, ed. Maseres, p. 738). Morgan accompanied Monck in his march into England, but after the occupation of York was sent back to take the command of the forces left in Scotland. He played a conspicuous part in the celebration of the king's restoration at Edinburgh (19 June 1660), building an enormous bonfire at his door, and firing off Mons Meg with his own hand (Mercurius Publicus, 28 June-3 July 1660). His command in Scotland ended in December 1660, when the English regiments there were disbanded, but his services were rewarded by a baronetcy (1 Feb. 1661) and by the reversion of some beneficial leases in Herefordshire (Cal. State Papers, Dom., 1661-2, pp. 204, 384).

In 1665, during the war with Holland, a French attack on Jersey was feared, and Morgan was made governor of the island (20 Dec. 1665 ; for Morgan's instructions see Rawlimon MSS. A. 255, 25 ; cf. Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1665-6, pp. 110-19; Dalton, English Army Lists, i. 57). Morgan repaired the forts and reorganised the local militia. Falle, the contemporary historian of Jersey, gives him high praise for his vigilance and care. He 'would sit whole days on the carriage of a cannon hastening and encouraging the workmen.' But the discussions of the estates he found insufferably tedious, and would retire to smoke and walk about till they had finished (Account of Jersey, ed. Durell, pp. xxii, 141, 283). His correspondence with Lord Hatton during his government is in the British Museum (Additional MSS. 29552-7).

According to Burke's 'Extinct Baronetage' (ed. 1844, p. 369) Morgan died on 13 Aug. 1670, but Aubrey states that he died in 1679, and his correspondence with Hatton ends in 1678. Burke adds that Morgan married De la Riviere, daughter and heiress of Richard Cholmondley of Brame Hall, Yorkshire, and was succeeded in the baronetcy by his eldest son, Sir John Morgan of Kinnersley Castle, Herefordshire. The dignity became extinct in 1767 with the death of the fourth baronet. Noble states that Morgan's commissions and other papers were in the possession of Thomas Glutton of Kinnersley, to whose family the estate had descended (House of Cromwell, ed. 1787, i. 448).

A portrait of Morgan, engraved by Guleston, is said by Bromley (Catalogue of Engraved British Portraits, p. 95) to be given