Page:Dictionary of National Biography volume 52.djvu/185

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to avoid arrest. In January 1669 he was committed to Leicester gaol by William Streete, a county magistrate, on the charge of not attending his parish church, but was set free on 24 Feb. He was again arrested in 1670 at Theddingworth, Leicestershire; in 1672 (though he held a license under the indulgence of that year); and in 1674, while residing at Lubbenham, Leicestershire. On these occasions he escaped with heavy fines. His main assailant was Quartermaster Charles Gibbons, who was drowned at Lutterworth in December 1675.

Notwithstanding his troubles, Shuttlewood contrived to conduct an academy for the education of nonconformist ministers, and has been claimed as the pioneer in this enterprise; but it is not proved or probable that he anticipated Richard Frankland [q. v.], whose academy was opened in March 1670. There is no adequate list of Shuttlewood's students, but their number was considerable. Among them were Matthew Clarke the younger [q. v.], Thomas Emlyn [q. v.], Joshua Oldfield, D.D. [q. v.], and John Sheffield [q. v.] He had the reputation of learning as well as of ability, yet Emlyn's account is that he had ‘very few books, and them chiefly of one sort.’ The chief seat of his academy and of his preaching was Sulby, an extra-parochial district near Welford, Northamptonshire. He died at Creaton, Northamptonshire, on 17 March 1688–9, and was buried in the parish churchyard, where his tombstone bore a Latin inscription. He married, on 26 April 1652, Elizabeth (d. 3 July 1705, aged 70), daughter of Humphrey Carter of Draycot, Derbyshire. His only son, John Shuttlewood (1667–1737), independent minister at Mill Yard, Goodman's Fields, London, left issue, of whom Hannah married, in 1744, Thomas Gibbons [q. v.]

[Calamy's Account, 1713, pp. 423 sq.; Calamy's Continuation, 1727, ii. 587; Memoirs of Emlyn, 1746, p. vi; Protestant Dissenter's Magazine, 1795, p. 490; Palmer's Nonconformist's Memorial, 1802, ii. 395 sq., 477 (account by Gibbons from Shuttlewood's papers); Toulmin's Historical View, 1814, pp. 239, 586; James's History of Litigation respecting Presbyterian Chapels, 1867, p. 691.]

A. G.

SHUTTLEWORTH, Sir JAMES PHILLIPS KAY- (1804–1877), founder of the English system of popular education. [See Kay-Shuttleworth.]

SHUTTLEWORTH, OBADIAH (1675?–1734), organist, son of Thomas Shuttleworth of Spitalfields, teacher of music, and a transcriber of Corelli's works when they were in great demand in England, was born in London about 1675. He practised at home with his brothers, and became so excellent a violinist that he took part in the concerts of Thomas Britton [q. v.], and led those established about 1728 at the Swan Tavern, Cornhill. In 1724 he succeeded Hart as organist to St. Michael's, Cornhill. Shortly afterwards Shuttleworth held a similar post at the Temple church, to which crowds were attracted to hear his hour's performance after the close of the evening service. His ‘fine finger’ (Hawkins) and facility of execution were better suited, according to some experts, to harpsichord-playing (cf. Boyce, Cathedral Music, i. 2). Shuttleworth was an industrious composer of violin music, none of which is printed, with the exception of two concertos adapted from Corelli. He retained his appointments until his death on 2 May 1734. He was survived by a widow and two daughters.

[Hawkins's History of Music, pp. 675, 791, 808, 826; Dict. of Musicians, ii. 435; Georgian Era, iv. 543; Grove's Dict. iii. 490, i. 277; Administration grant, Archdeaconry of London, 25 May 1734; Gent. Mag. 1734, p. 274.]

L. M. M.

SHUTTLEWORTH, PHILIP NICHOLAS (1782–1842), bishop of Chichester, was second son of Humphrey Shuttleworth, who was vicar of Kirkham, Lancashire, from 1771 to 1812, and of Preston in the same county from 1784 to 1809, and wrote some tracts against the papal pretensions. Philip, born at Kirkham on 9 Feb. 1782, was educated at the Preston grammar school, and at Winchester College, which he entered in 1796. He matriculated at New College, Oxford, on 24 Dec. 1800, and graduated B.A. in 1800, M.A. in 1811, and B.D. and D.D. in 1822. In 1803 he won the Chancellor's Latin-verse prize, the subject being 'Byzantium.' Soon after graduating he became tutor to the Hon. Algernon Herbert, and at a subsequent date to Lord Holland's son, afterwards General Fox. He was tutor and fellow of New College until 1822, and proctor of the university in 1820. In 1822 he was unanimously chosen warden of New College. In that position he was not at first successful in the management of young men. He viewed with impatience the consequences of the laxity of the previous administration, and his efforts to improve matters were hampered by his unconciliatory manner. Still, he was popular in the university, and no person of eminence ever came to Oxford without dining with him (Davidson and Benham, Life of A. C. Tait, i. 40). He held strong whig views, which were toned down in later life, and was a vigorous opponent of the tractarian movement. He was a good preacher, and acquired the