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fore fo:z adj. situated at the fore or forward part; front; for- ward.

fore fo:z adv. (of place} before; in or toward the front part; toward the bow; forward : opposed to aft.

fore-and-aft ,fo:z-9n'a:ft adj. ef or related to the fore and after part of an airship considerd together; longitudinal. fore-and-aft stability, see under stability.

forecast 'fo:z,ka:st n. a forecasting or anticipatory estimate of the wether; an estimate of the expected wether; a publisht statement of wether^probabihties ; wethersprefecy ; a wether^forecast.

forecast district, a district or definit region for which a wether^forecast is made.

long-range forecast, a wether^forecast made at leng range; an estimate of wether^conditions to be lookt fer at some distant date, as a week, a month, or a year ahed.

seasonal forecast, a wether^f orecast for a coming season ; a statement of probabilities as to average rainfall, tempera- ture, and wind for an approaching season : as, a *seasonal forecast "of monsoon rains.

forecast ,foz'ka:st tr. consider or calculate beforehand; fore- tell : as, *forecast the wether.

forecast-division 'fo:z-ka:st-di,vi39n n. a governmental di- vision or section connected with the Wether^Bureau, whose duty is to forecast the wether.

forecaster ,fo:z'ka:-st9z n. one skild in forecasting or fore- telling the wether; a wether^forecaster.

fore-end 'fo:z,end n. the end, as of an airship, which is foreward, or toward the bow; the front end.

foreglow 'fot^gloo n. a glow seen in the east before sunrise, compare afterglow.

forepart 'fo:z,pa:zt n. the fore, front, or forward part, as of an airship.

foretell ,foz'tel tr. tell or estimate beforehand ; forecast : as, to *fortell the wether.

f ore-wing 'fo:z,wirj n. [also spelt fore wing] one of the front upper wings of an insect which has two pairs of wings; an anterior wing; a mesothoracic wing; a superior wing: as, the *fore?wing of a butterfly : ditinguisht from hind-wing.

founder 'faon-daz intr. fall helplessly to the ground; break down; be wreckt; collapse: as, tuhen an airship *founders.

fracto-cnmnlus ^saekto' jo-las n. [ploral fracto-cumuli] ragged cumulus; irregular fragments or patches of low cloud torn from, or floating below, the flat base of ordinary cumulus cloud.

fracto-nimbus ^saekto'nimbas n. [ploral fracto-nimbi] rag-

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