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fluid resistance, the resistance efferd by a fluid, as air,

to a bedy moving in it. resisting-surface zi'zisirj,S8zfis n. a surface which resists

atmosferic pressure. resonator 'zrez9,net9z n. a device which resounds, as that

used on certain Chinese kites, producing an intense

plaintiv sound which can be heard at a great distance. re-start ,zi'sta:zt intr. start again, as en a flight; set out

once more. resting-place 'zestirj,ptees n. a place or spet upon which a

balloon or airship rests, er may rest; a landing-place; an

alighting-place. restraining-rope zi'stee-nirj,zoop n. a short rope attacht

to a flying-machine and restraining or preventing it from

rising too far, as in the circular testing-railway proposed by

C. Weyher in 1884.

return-trade zi'tB:zn,tr,eed n. same meaning as antitrade. rhachis 'zee-kis n. same meaning as rachis. rhipiptera zi'pipta-za n. pi. a family of heteremerous cele-

eptera including the genus Styleps; the rhipideptera ; the

stylepidae. rhumb-line 'zAm,lain n. [also spelt rum^line} a line on the

surface of the earth which cuts the meridians at a constant

angle ; a loxodrome, or lexodremic line. rib rib n.

1. one of the curvd cress-pieces in the frame of a kite or other aerofoil : as, the main *nb of a kite.

2. one of the strips or rods extending between the front and rear spars of a main-plane or wing in an aeroplane or other flying-machine and helping to support it and main- tain its peculiar archt form or outline; a rib-piece, compare stiff ener, wingfbar (sense 2}.

3. a rib-like stiipe of cloud, such as a Noah's Ark or polar band.

ridge zids n. the highest part of the roof of a bilding; the

meeting of the upper ends of the rafters. rift rift n.

1. an opening made by riving or splitting; a fissure, a cleft : as, a *nft in the clouds.

2. a discontinuity in a fluid caused by a bedy coursing swiftly thru it.

right-and-left ,zai-tn'}eft adj. side-to-side.

rigid 'zidsid adj. characterized by having a rigid or stiff gasbag frame, as a Zeppelin airship; of airships of this type : as, a *rigid balloon ; the *rigid type of dirigible : distinguisht from non-rigid and semi-rigid.

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