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the sun rise again (in the west), and subsequently set for the second time.

red sunset, a sunset in umich the sky is red; specifically, one of a series of remarkable sunsets, such as those of the years 1883-84, in luhich the red sky is due to the reflection of the sunlight by dusteparticles carried to great heights as the result of volcanic eruptions.

sunshine 'sAn,$ain n.

bright sunshine, specifically, sunshine which is suf- ficiently bright to be recorded by a CampbelkStokes sun- shine^recerder.

sunshine-recorder 'sAn-$am-zi,ke:z-d9z n. an instrument for recording the length of time the sun has been shining: as, Callendar's *sunshinesrecerder.

sun-shower 'sAn,$au-9z n. a shower of rain falling (en a warm summer day) from a passing cumulus cloud during a time and in a region otherwise sunny.

sun-stricken 'sAn/strjkan adj. stricken by the sun; affected with sunstroke; sunstjuck.

sunstroke 'sAn,str.ook n. acute prostration from excessiv heat of the sunshine or wether.

sunstruck 'sAn,stAk adj. overcome by the heat of the sun; affected with sunstroke.

sunward 'sAiiwozd adv. toward the sun; sunwards.

superaeroplane ,sgup3z'ee-3z9,pi-een n. (fanciful) one of the upper aeroplanes of an airship.

superimpose ,sgup9E--im'pooz tr. impose or lay en, over, or above something else, as one aeroplane above another; superpose.

superpose ,sgup9z'pDOz tr. lay or place upon or over some- thing else, as one aeroplane above an other; superimpose.

superposition ,sgup9z-p9'zi$9n n. the act or process of su- perposing; the placing upon, above, or over; a laying or be- ing situated upon, above, or over something else.

supersurface 'sgup9z,S8zfis adj. [also spelt sup erf surf ace] carried en or occurring above the surface of the earth : as,

  • supersurface traffic.

support S9'po:zt tr. bear up, uphold, sustain, especially in the air ; keep or prevent from falling.

support S9'po:zt n. the action of supporting, upholding, ot sustaining, especially in the air; sustainingspower, sustain- ing?effect; also, that tuhich upholds, sustains, or keeps from falling; a prep, a base.

supporting-device S9'po:z-tirj-di,vais . a device for sup- porting, upholding, or sustaining something in the air; the sustainingjsdevice or sustaining^apparatus of an airship.

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