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��aerial bird, a bird that habitually moves chiefly by flight in the air : distinguisht from walking, waddling, and sunm- nung birds.

aerial age, the age of aerial navigation; the flying age.

aerial car, a car used for traveling in the air, as the bas- ket of a balloon, or a car designed for an aerial railway.

aerial engineering, engineering as related to aerial navi- gation or aviation; the art of constructing and using air* machines.

aerial ferry, an airship which servs as a ferry by taking passengers acress a river, bay, or the like.

aerial flight, see under flight.

aerial image, an image appearing suspended in the air, caused by the convergence of rays of light reflected or re- fracted from objects thru strata of air of different densi- ties; a mirage.

aerial liner, same meaning as air liner, see under air (adjectiv).

aerial machine, a machine or apparatus for airmailing; an air^machine ; a balloon.

aerial mammals, the bats.

aerial navigation, navigation of the air; air^navigation ; the art of floating, sailing, or flying in the air or atmos- fcre; aeronautics; aerial flight; aviation.

aerial navigator, see under navigator.

aerial perspectiv, perspectiv in the air; the expression of space by any means, such as sharpness of edge, vividness of color, etc.

aerial photograph, a fotograf taken by means of a camera suspended in the air, as in a balloon or airship.

aerial poison, miasma.

aerial omnibus, an aerial vehicle designed to carry pas- sengers regularly; a public airship.

aerial raihvay

1. a railway consisting of guidesrails or a wireway str.etcht between posts, supporting and guiding an elongated balloon or aerostat driven by power.

2. a conveymg^apparatus or system of transportation by cars suspended from a rail, cable, or rope in the air above them; an aerial tramway; a wiresrope tramway; a wirestjamway, wireway, or wire^road ; a cable^railroad or cableway.

aerial scout, a scout or scoutingsmachine of the air; an aerial observer; an air^scout.

aerial ship, a ship for sailing or traveling in the air; an aerial vessel; an airship.

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